Do you want to take your career one step further?
- There are many opportunities to teach French as a second language in the Atlantic provinces. Each Regional Centre for Education offers programs in Core French grades 4-12, grade 6 Intensive French, Integrated French grades 7-12, Early immersion grades primary -12 and Late immersion grades 7-12. NS Education and Early Childhood Development,
- In the Atlantic provinces, there are nine accredited Faculties of Education with French as a teachable: Université Sainte-Anne, Mount Saint Vincent University, St Francis Xavier University, University of Moncton, University of Prince Edward Island, Memorial University, Cape Breton University, St. Thomas University and Acadia University. After graduating from the Bachelor of Education program, you will start the process for your Teacher Certification. At this time you will be tested on your French proficiency.
*Statistics Canada/Statistique Canada, 2016 Census.
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